
Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Goat Cheese and Strawberry Grilled Cheese

I'll admit, I wouldn't have thought to pair strawberries and goat cheese. I think of strawberries as a sweet ingredient and goat cheese as a savory. I'd seen this recipe for Goat Cheese and Strawberry Grilled Cheese floating around some of my favorite blogs about a year ago, but couldn't imagine how it would come together. Then Branny posted this recipe for Strawberry Bacon Pizza with Goat Cheese, which came through my Google Reader and Facebook page bright and early Monday morning, and it got me thinking about the grilled cheese again. See, Baby Girl loves strawberries and once they're in season I buy them weekly to send with her to daycare. SP had bought a log of goat cheese to make a beet salad for Mother's Day and picked me up a basil plant for my herb garden as well, so I had everything I needed to make this sandwich for lunch.

Ah, the benefit of working from home. I made this for lunch on Monday and holy cannoli was this an excellent sandwich. SP happened to be working from home as well and as soon as I told him what I was making he grabbed the leftover steak from Mother's Day. He did admit the sandwich smelled great while it was cooking, but this is definitely going to be a sandwich I make for weekday lunches throughout the summer instead of for dinner.

I modified Josie's recipe to leave out the pepper jelly since I didn't have any on hand (plus it's spicy and we all know how I feel about spice these days). I loved the combination of the tangy goat cheese, the sweet strawberries and the freshness of the basil. I hope Baby Girl doesn't mind me stealing a few of her strawberries to make this sandwich again (and again, and again and again).

Goat Cheese and Strawberry Grilled Cheese
Modified from Pink Parsley
Makes 2 sandwiches

2 oz. goat cheese, softened
4 slices bread
1/2 cup sliced fresh strawberries
4 large basil leaves, sliced thin
Salt and pepper to taste

Heat a large skillet or griddle over medium heat.

Spread one side of each slice of bread lightly with butter. Flip the bread over and top with half the goat cheese. Lay the strawberry slices in a single layer, sprinke with basil, salt, and pepper, then spread goat cheese on the remaining slices of bread. Top the strawberry side with the reamining bread.

Cook sandwiches 2-3 minutes per side, or until golden-brown. Cut in half and serve warm.

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