
Selasa, 30 April 2013

April Re-Make Recap

Time for another Re-Make Recap. I can't believe another month has come to an end. I'm really loving these recaps. They've forced me to revisit old favorites, which makes SP very happy. While he generally likes whatever I make, he's always asking me to remake certain dishes.

This spicy pork and asparagus stir fry is something I prefer to make only when asparagus is in season, which means I forget about it for the rest of the year. Thankfully my friend Melissa reminded me about its fabulousness.

When I make sandwiches I tend to have two side dishes in mind - oven fries or this antipasti pasta salad. Simple to throw together and always delicious with bright, fresh flavors. It's so easy since there's no cooking aside from the pasta. This makes a ton so we always end up enjoying it for a few days.

Chicken Tostada 2

These chicken tostadas with avocado salsa are one of my favorite Mexican dishes right now. I can't get enough of the avocado salsa and the combination of flavors is perfect.


I've been on a sandwich kick lately and these ham and Swiss sandwiches were the perfect way to use up some leftover Easter ham.

I think these Hawaiian chicken sandwiches are my all-time favorite chicken sandwich. Which is saying a lot. I love everything about them and could probably eat them once a week.

broccoli pasta

This broccoli pesto pasta was such a hit the first time I made it I knew I wanted to make it again soon. I love that Baby Girl asks for seconds when I make it. This time I left some of the broccoli whole and I preferred it that way.

club salad2

Aside from sandwiches I'm also on a salad kick. We all enjoyed this California club blue cheese chopped salad, even Baby Girl which impressed me. It was her first time eating salad. Proud mama moment right there.

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