
Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

July Re-Make Recap

Another month gone. I really can't believe tomorrow will be August already. Where did summer go? We've got a few fun things planned in August but I'm still starting to get that panicky feeling that summer is slipping away and we haven't done all the things we wanted to do. Case in point - we still haven't gone down the shore (although that will be remedied this weekend).


Ever since I made the first batch of this baked oatmeal SP's been asking for it weekly. I always try some and still don't particularly like it, but I did give some to Baby Girl (not heated, just straight from the pan as I'm packing it up) and she's a big fan. I'll have to try giving her some heated to see what she thinks.


This taco rice has become my ground beef go-to meal when I don't feel like making burgers. It's so simple and so tasty. We all love it.

I can't believe it had been two years since I made these grilled chicken sandwiches, a knockoff version of one of my favorite restaurant sandwiches that disappeared from their menu. The flavors are incredible and even though I didn't use sourdough bread this time they were still just as finger-licking good.

I remade my antipasti pasta salad as a quick, easy meal to take to the pool one Friday night. We all gobbled it up after swimming in the pool and working up an appetite.

No Mexican meal is complete without these refried beans. They couldn't be easier to make and we all love them.


I made a big batch of this American macaroni salad to take to a cookout only to have Baby Girl end up sick before we could go. No matter, SP and I ate most of it throughout the week. I'll definitely be making it again for our rescheduled date.

I can't get enough of this spicy pork and asparagus stir fry. It's so saucy and flavorful and I love having just enough leftover to put in the freezer for another time.


I actually didn't make these roasted tomato, mozzarella and spinach sandwiches as sandwiches, but rather as flatbread pizzas with roasted tomatoes, mozzarella and spinach. Both ways are delicious but right now I'm partial to the flatbread pizzas. I love the crispy crust and they're so easy to make it's almost criminal.


SP and I had a date night recently and finally used up the filet and sea bass we had in the freezer. I used this pan-roasted sea bass with butter sauce recipe and it's still a winner. I think sea bass is my all-time favorite fish. It's just so buttery and flaky and perfect.


The recipe for these flautas with shredded chicken made more than we could eat for one meal so I froze the rest. That meant all I had to do was defrost and fry them for dinner a few weeks later. Perfect!

My recipe for caprese pasta is really more of a method. In my mind, it's summer in a bowl and I can't get enough of those flavors this time of year.

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