
Senin, 30 September 2013

September Re-Make Recap

How is it the end of September already? I swear time goes by faster now that I'm an adult (well, I've been an adult for quite awhile now but you know what I mean). September really seemed to fly by. Tomorrow is October, a very big month in our little family. Baby Girl will turn 4 (I can't believe that either) and SP and I will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. Pretty crazy, if you ask me. September was a delicious month in our house. I've really been making an effort to revisit old favorites from my blog and this month was no exception.

I can't believe it's been 2 years since I made this cheesy zucchini rice. That's a real shame because it's so delicious and I love that it's a veggie and starch in one side dish. Brilliant.

Chicken Tostada 2

I try to make one Tex-Mex meal a week. It had been awhile since I made these chicken tostadas and I needed to rectify that. These are so perfect every single time.

broccoli pasta

This broccoli pesto pasta is another dish I love because it's got everything mixed together. Not that we have trouble eating our veggies in this house but I love keeping things simple and this dish definitely fits the bill.


I made these flatbread pizzas every Friday for two months straight. They're just that good. Now that the weather is changing I'm planning to get some pizza dough and use the same roasted tomato method for our weekly pizza. I can't wait.


When I first made Lidia's meat sauce bolognese I froze 2-cup portions for easy weeknight meals. I pulled the first batch out this month and boy was it tasty.

We've brought back Sunday dinners at my parent's house and my mom requested something on the healthier side. I decided Cobb salad would be a nice, simple meal. I prepped everything at home, used a store-bought rotisserie chicken to make it even easier and we all enjoyed our meal.

Ham and Swiss Sliders

I wanted an easy meal one night and turned to these sweet ham and Swiss sliders. This time I actually made the savory version of these (basically you leave out the brown sugar and use fresh onion rather than dried powder) and we preferred that version. If you haven't tried these yet you need to change that ASAP.

I may not be much of a soup person but this chicken gnocchi soup has always been one of my favorites. I served it with the ham and Swiss sliders so I left out the chicken and swapped the gnocchi for elbow macaroni. It was still delicious.

I'm kicking myself for not remaking these black bean patties with corn relish and avocado cream sooner. Seriously, this is an incredible meal. Baby Girl loved it the first time but this time she was practically swooning, telling me what a great cook I am and devouring her dinner. I said it before but this is a restaurant-quality meal that's so simple to make. And the flavors are fantastic. I can't let another year go by before I remake this again.


I had a hankering for bacon, brie, lettuce, tomato, avocado sandwiches one day so I immediately put them on the following week's menu. I really love these sandwiches because they're an upscale twist on the classic BLT.


This taco rice is a great way to satisfy a taco craving. It's always a favorite in our house.


Ever since I made these Bang Bang chicken skewers for a recipe swap I've been obsessed with them. We're getting to the end of grilling season as the weather gets cooler so I wanted to make them again before I had to take my grilling indoors. This time I doubled the sauce recipe so we'd have plenty for the chicken and the veggies. It's so good over rice or couscous.


Nothing goes better with the Bang Bang chicken skewers than this grilled sriracha broccoli. I love the glaze.

IHOP pancakes

I wanted to remake these IHOP-style pancakes, with an eye to freezing most of them, but unfortunately the word buttermilk got separated into butter and milk on the shopping list and SP thought I'd gone crazy since those two things appeared further down on the list. I subbed regular milk, which was fine, but they lacked the zing from the buttermilk. I guess I'll just have to make these again.

I was skeptical the first time I made this cheese tortellini with pumpkin alfredo but it ended up being delicious. Now that fall is here and pumpkin is all the rage I thought I'd revisit it, with sliced Italian sausage on the side. Perfection.

This Texas roadhouse knockoff salad has become my go-to side salad. There's just something about the combination of lettuce, tomato, hard boiled egg, cheddar cheese, croutons and ranch dressing.

For the last Sunday dinner of the month SP spent hours in the kitchen making Lidia's sugo with sausage meatballs. This is a killer meal I wish we could make more often. Thankfully I was able to freeze three meatballs and some sauce for another time.

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